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How To Develop A Keyword Research Strategy For SEO ?

Updated: Mar 5

How To Develop A Keyword Research Strategy For SEO


Keyword research is a challenging task. Even if you have an idea of what keywords should be used for, you need to back it up with facts and numbers. This is where tools come in handy.

Keyword research is one of the most crucial stages in SEO. It's not only the basis for finding new keywords and building your list, but you can also use it to analyze competitors' keyword efforts. In this post, we'll show you how to do keyword research for SEO and why it's so important for your business growth.

Now let us see -

What are the various stages of keyword research process?

Step 1: Identify Target Audience:

The first step in keyword research is to identify your target audience. Your audience is the people who will be interested in your product or service and will buy it, lead to further sales, or be prepared to buy it.

The second step is to figure out what keywords they're searching for when they search, which will help you target the right keywords on your site and make sure you're covering all the bases.

This process can take time, so don't rush it. Most marketers don't realize that keywords are like a puzzle — once you figure out what part of the puzzle they are, you can start putting them together.

Step 2: Set Goals For Your Keyword Research:

Before you begin keyword research, set goals for your study. What are you trying to accomplish? What do you want to learn? How much time do you have? These questions will help guide your research and make sure it’s focusing on the right things.

Step 3: Brainstorm Topics Relating To Your Audience’s Interests:

Start with a list of keywords that you want to rank for. You can use Google keyword planner, or any of the other keyword tools as long as they give you something more than just search volume and competition information.

Set the goals for your keyword research. If you’re looking for organic traffic, then set a goal of getting 1,000 visitors per month for that keyword. If you’re looking to get new subscribers, set a goal of getting 5,000 monthly pageviews in that keyword.

Brainstorm topics and phrases that relate to your audience’s interests. The more specific your topic is, the better it will be at helping you find relevant long-tail keywords and phrases. For example, if your business sells furniture and you’re looking to rank for “furniture store,” then brainstorming “furniture stores near me” or “furniture store online” would be useful because these phrases are very specific!

Step 4: Select Keyword Research Tool:

You need to choose a keyword research tool that will help you do all of your keyword research in one place. Make sure it has all of the features you need and functions well, especially if it's going to be used for long-term use or if there are multiple people working on the same project.

Step 5: Prepare A List Of Seed Keywords:

Once you have chosen your key phrase research tool, it's time to start making lists of keywords and phrases. You'll probably want to start with some seed words from Google's Keyword Planner (KP) and then expand from there as needed. Once you have your seed list prepared, set aside some time to brainstorm ideas and get creative with them.

Step 6: Expand Keywords List With LSI Keywords:

The first step in keyword research is preparing a seed list of high-volume, low-competition keywords that align with your business goals and objectives. The next step is to expand this list by adding LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords of those main keywords that are still relevant but not as competitive or even too competitive.

Step 7: Identify Long-Tail Keywords:

A keyword’s long-tail variation is a synonym that can be used to describe a main keyword. For example, if you want to rank for the term “click here,” your long-tail variations could be “click here now” or “click here for more information.”

The long-tail variation of a main keyword can provide you with additional opportunities to rank for related terms. If you see that your main keyword has many synonyms, you should consider using them as well and making sure that they are included in your content.

Once you have identified your main keyword — the one that will drive traffic to your site — you need to identify variations on that keyword that are closely related. These are known as long-tail keywords, and they're great because they are more specific than your main keyword and still allow people to find what they want.

Step 8: Identify Users Search Intent:

Search intent is an excellent way to understand what users are looking for when they search for your target keywords. Search intent is a list of keywords that users searched for but didn’t find on your site. These include very specific queries like “how to do xyz” and “what does this button do?”

Your audience is the most important part of SEO. If you don't have a clear understanding of who you're serving, then all your efforts will be wasted. Keyword research is one of the most important tools we use to identify our visitors and understand their needs.

Search intent can help us determine what keywords our visitors are typing into Google when they search for products like yours. Search intent is a combination of the words that users type into search engines in order to find information about a topic. It's not just what people look for on Google, but also how they search for it.

Step 9: Competition Analysis For Targeted Keywords:

If you want to rank higher in organic search results, it’s important to know what your competitors are doing. You can use Google Search Console to see their organic search traffic and keyword rankings, but there are other tools that can help you analyze their data.

Here’s a list of some of the most popular keyword research tools:

Google Keyword Planner – This tool gives you an idea of how competitive your keywords are and how much traffic each keyword is generating. You can also see how long it takes for someone to click through from the Google Search Results page to your website if you enter the keywords into this tool. You can also view historical monthly trends by adding up the monthly averages for each keyword by month.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer – This tool will show you what keywords have been searched over time and help you identify potential opportunities for ranking on Google’s first-page results pages (SERPs). Ahrefs also provides information about how many people use various keywords per month, which helps determine which keywords are more likely to bring in traffic for SEO purposes. Ahrefs has an API that allows you to access its full set

Step 10: Eliminate Irrelevant Keywords:

Revise your keyword list:

You’ll need a list of keywords to work with. This should be the list of keywords that you want to target for your content. You can use Google Keyword Planner or other keyword research tools to get an idea of what keywords to use in your content.

Eliminate irrelevant or too competitive keywords:

You need to make sure that the keywords you select will work well for your target audience. A lot of people think they can just pick any keyword and start writing about it, but this is often not the case. You need to make sure that the keywords you choose are relevant, specific, and not too competitive.

Finalize a group of keywords:

Once you have your list of relevant and important words, it’s time to choose which ones will go into your content. Use a tool like Google Keyword Planner or WordStream Keyword Tool so you can see which ones are most popular and profitable for SEO purposes in general.

Step 11: Use Selected Keywords In Your Content:

Once you have a manageable list of keywords, use the selected ones in your content. Don’t forget about the other elements of SEO — titles, meta descriptions, and URLs — as well as social media optimization.

Keyword Research Tools:

SEO keyword research tools are an indispensable part of the SEO toolkit. They're a critical component of any SEO strategy that involves finding and implementing keywords to improve your website's ranking in search engines. The best way to improve your organic search rankings is by getting more traffic from direct traffic (i.e., from searches from people who are looking for the information you provide) and organic searches (i.e., those made using common words).

Here are some of the popular tools for keyword research:

Google Search Console:

This is an all-in-one tool that allows you to monitor and manage your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, including finding the right keywords and competitor data.

Google AdWords Keyword Planner:

This tool allows you to enter a keyword or phrase, and it will show you related keywords as well as suggestions for how to optimize them for search results.

Google Trends:

This tool shows you how often people use certain terms in Google over time, which can give you insight into what people are searching for online now so that you can target them later with paid search ads.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer:

Ahrefs is a tool that helps you find high-quality long-tail keywords that rank well for your business goals. You can also use Ahrefs’ backlink checker to find out if other websites are linking to yours, which will help you build links inbound links from relevant sites that may otherwise be difficult to acquire.


Keyword research is one of the most important parts of your SEO campaign. The best way to find keywords and useful SEO tools to track keyword trends is by using a keyword research tool. A good tool will provide keyword suggestions, search volume for the terms, long tail keywords, and text analysis. But there are different tools that perform all these functions at once. If you do not have the skill to do keyword research or do not know how to use various useful keyword research tools in that case you can look for a professional Digital Marketing Expert in Kolkata India by searching online.

Keyword Research is an ongoing process. So you need to monitor and analyze keywords regularly using various web analytics tools to get the best results out of it.


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